Check out the following enhancements to Moodle ISU 2:
Drag and Drop for adding files and resources:
- To add a file, simply drag and drop it from your desktop or other file location onto the course section where you'd like it to appear and it will be added to your page as a resource.
- To add a folder of files, simply zip the folder then drag and drop it onto the course section where you'd like it to appear, answer 'Unzip files and create folder' to the popup dialogue, then click the upload button.
- To add a SCORM package, simply drag and drop it onto the course section where you'd like it to appear, answer 'Add a SCORM package' to the popup dialogue, then click the upload button.
- the pencil icon allows you to rename your item directly on the course page without entering into the settings for that item.
- A new popup "Activity chooser" for adding resources and activities has been added that provides a full introduction, examples and links about each activity or resource module. Select an activity or resource then click the Add button, or simply double-click on the activity or resource name.
- Other files have pretty icons for most file types.
- Files view can be easily toggled between icons view or a table view with sizes and dates, or a hierarchical list view.
- File info (eg license information, sizes, dates) can be easily edited and viewed in a popup dialogue.
- Files can be uploaded from your existing Google Docs, Dropbox and Wikimedia accounts (additional repositories to be added later).
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