In the recent report, Growing the Curriculum: Open Education Resources in the U.S. Higher Education compiled by the Babson Survey Research Group the following information is provided with regard to faculty opinions about OER:
- In 2011, most surveyed academic leaders report that open education resources will have value for their campus; 57% agree that they have value and less than 5% disagree.
- Nearly two-thirds of all chief academic officers agree that OER have the potential to reduce costs for their institution.
- There is wide agreement among academic leaders that OER will save time in the development of new courses.
- Over one-half of academic leaders agree or strongly agree that open education resources would be more useful if there was a single clearinghouse.
- Among faculty, cost and ease of use are most important for selecting online resources.
- The time and effort to find and evaluate are consistently listed as the most important barriers by faculty to the adoption of OER.
- Older faculty have a greater level of concern with all potential barriers to OER adoption than do younger faculty.